Sharing the food, music, culture, and history at the heart of Cajun & Creole Country.

Inspiration Journal

Sharing the food, music, culture, and history at the heart of Cajun & Creole Country.

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Blu Basil

Dang Nguyen has one of those origin stories that makes you want to try his food. He's a Vietnamese American who owns and operates two Lafayette restaurants: Saigon Noodles on…


At the beginning of this century, downtown Lafayette was anything but a thriving commercial market, and Sushi was anything but pervasive in Louisiana. However, sisters Michele…

Cafe Habana City

Living in Lafayette and the surrounding areas offers a thorough abundance of dining options. Many of the world’s cuisines are represented on the menus of our restaurants…

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Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat.

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Lafayette Weekly

A Message From Lafayette Travel This week’s Lafayette Weekly is bittersweet for everyone who knew and…


Blu Basil

Dang Nguyen has one of those origin stories that makes you want to try his food. He's a Vietnamese…



In the olden days, when you wanted something handcrafted, you went straight to the source. Burgersmith, a play…



At the beginning of this century, downtown Lafayette was anything but a thriving commercial market, and Sushi…


Cafe Habana City

Living in Lafayette and the surrounding areas offers a thorough abundance of dining options. Many of the…