Sharing the food, music, culture, and history at the heart of Cajun & Creole Country.

Rêve Coffee Roasters

There’s a handsome sign arching over Jefferson Street welcoming those passing under it to Downtown Lafayette, and to the right just after entering that gateway is the home of one of Lafayette’s up and coming brands. Rêve Coffee Roasters is there on the corner of Jefferson and Cypress, and offers…

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Johnson's Boucaniere

In the heart of downtown Lafayette, operating Tuesday through Saturday each week, is possibly one of the most important restaurants in Louisiana. Since 2008, Johnson’s Boucaniére has been serving up smoked meats, boudin, and BBQ to Lafayette patrons, but the tradition of their food goes back to the…

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Pizza Artista

Scott McClaskey and Kirk Miller know pizza. They worked as regional vice presidents for Domino’s Pizza, sharing 60 years between them in the pizza business. When they considered opening a pizza restaurant in Lafayette, McClaskey and Miller searched for something new and unique. They visited numerous…

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Judice Inn

When Judice Inn opened in 1947, brothers Marc and Alcide Judice advertised that their hamburger restaurant was located only a mile and a half outside the Lafayette city limits. Today, surrounded by an urban landscape and located on the busiest street in town, it’s hard to imagine Judice Inn in the…

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Hub City Diner

Hub City Diner is aptly named, an all-American diner that attracts locals and visitors alike in the center of town. On any given day, you’ll find regulars walking through the doors being greeted by restaurant staff, even owner Jimmy Guidry. The restaurant began as Stansbury’s Café back in 1965 in…

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Antoni's Italian Cafe

Holly Cure is living the America Dream. For years she waitressed and tended bar at Antoni’s in Lafayette’s Oil Center, joking to owners Bruce and Lynda Cart that she would someday buy the establishment. When the Carts decided to retire, Cure and her husband, Eli, did just that — they bought the…

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Rachael's Cafe

Many people don’t imagine healthy when they think of Cajun and Creole cuisine. Rachael’s Café hopes to change all that. The small, family-owned café serves up a great selection of Cajun dishes, many of which feature South Louisiana’s abundant and delicious seafood. There are salads, sandwiches…

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Pete's Family Sports Restaurant

Sports bars tend to be typically typical; offering their guests little more than a gathering place with televisions and an unspoken understanding that good service is defined by speed, accuracy, and as little interruption of the viewing of televised sporting events as possible. Menu items bear puns…

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6 Things Pet-Parents Must Do in Lafayette

People living in Lafayette know how to work hard, but also play pretty hard! This city hosts a full calendar of festivals each year and the people here are some of the friendliest you’ll ever meet. In Lafayette we are well known for being the happiest city in America, but what about the dog scene…

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